Sunday, May 21, 2017

Switching Up the Game

If you know me, then you know just how much I truly enjoy teaching math. Math is something that I love to teach kids to have a passion for and learn to love. It's a subject that is so crucial to students' success in any career yet so disliked by many. While I'm nowhere near perfect at it, I feel confident teaching math. I'm always looking for new and engaging ways to teach kids skills and problem-solving techniques and finding new things and trying them out in the classroom is something I love. However, I just found out that I have the opportunity to come home and teach at a local school. My drive is going from 35 minutes to 5 minutes. The school climate is wonderful and the people are even greater. One notch in the plan--- it's literacy, not math.

At first, I didn't know if I could do it. I didn't know if I was fit for a 5th grade classroom instead of the 7th grade classroom I had spent a year in. It was difficult deciding to leave math behind. It was even tougher imagining leaving a group of kids I have grown to adore. However, I have preached to my students all year long about embracing challenges and learning to love the struggle. Could I really tell my students this if I didn't choose to do the same? Could I be a person of my word and truly practice what I preach if as soon as I got a little nervous and scared I backed out? I don't believe so. The past few days I have grown to felt at ease about this decision. I am so scared, so excited, and so looking forward to the year to come in a completely new 5th grade literacy classroom. I'm leaving behind something great, but what's ahead is exciting, new, and an amazing opportunity I am so lucky to have. I can't wait to spend the summer looking up new activities to teach literacy the best that I possibly can to these kiddos!

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